Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rather be average and happy than be rich and unhappy!

Sjoe, what a week it has been. Firstly the horse expedition on the farm, luckily after 2 hours and 10 minutes they got the little one out and mommy and baby are doing just fine.

My topic, "rather be average and happy than be rich and unhappy" is just what it means. Sorry to say that we know a lot of couples going through this stage, marraige, infertility, babies, and then the fighting starts. Why can't they just chill, remember that what they have is precious and God gave that to them for a reason, not to fight and be unhappy, but money makes the heart grow funder they say! Such a true saying... why do we always need something like money, of course, to survive but is it worth it at the end, is all this fighting and moaning and unhappiness worth it? My opinion, I don't know, and I don't think so. I don't want to say too much about this, but all I know is luckily me and hubby is just your average Joe's and happy as ever!! One day we will all be happy, with or without the money factor.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO glad you switched to English - now I can read!!!
Dee xxx